Building Bridges

Building Bridges

Monday, April 4, 2011

Student assessments - half semester measurements

I will be adding excerpts from student assessments of an English 103 class.

This post will give students the chance to review and reread their own words and their own ideas about what it takes to be successful. It will also give them access to each other's ideas, opinions, and suggestions. It will also act as a reminder.

Assessment question: What are your suggestions for both the individual and the group?

Individual assessment:
My suggestions for myself are that I could find more info/details from materials and put them on our project. Instead of focusing on the main things; I could've read more and find something more interesting.

I think the members can prepare at home. They can search for some information and think of some ideas and write down on the paper. When we are in the class we can combine our stuff and ideas. WE can discuss the project with the information that we have. I think it will help the project to be better and it won't waste time.

My suggestions from myself and to the group is just to keep up with what and how we are working and then it will come out great.

Making a post was a fun activity which I've never done before. I was so proud of the result of the group project.

Writing a journal individually is very helpful, making me read carefully and writing. I made me to study a lot for class. By doing research I am also learning a lot of new things.
Working in a group can sometimes be frustrating. Everybody just needs to work together and also value each other's opinion. The individual must speak up so their opinions can be heard.

When working in a group all people in the group should talk, share and make a plan together. Everybody should help pitch in. As a person in a group make sure you help out and are open minded, with ideas, work together. Keep away from conflict because at the end you all have a common goal to finish it and get a good grade.

Work as a team and do not procrastinate

I could have printed the work bigger. The group could have not procrastinated so much.

I think our group works well together because we have our own different ideas and we incorporated it into our work.

My suggestions for the individual is to always speak your mind. No idea is stupid and input always helps. To the group I would say don't let people get left out, help each other out and make them contribute.

I suggest the students would better be served by having to present (a presentation) of the project.

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